Urbana University, Urbana Ohio 2014-2017
Seton Hill University, Greensburg, Pa 1998-2000
Butler Area High School, Butler, Pa 1994-1998
Dean’s List (every semester at Urbana University)
Member Kappa Delta Pi
Recipient of the Austin E Knowlton Scholarship
Graduated Magna Cum Laude
Business Owner
Manes Managed Hairbraiding by Regan
2000- current
Owner/Operator of hair braiding shops at festivals and fairs throughout the US.
Cesar Chavez College Preparatory School, Columbus
One semester of first and one semester of second grade at a Public Charter School specifically serving low socio-economic Somali population.
Work Study
Urbana University Office of International Studies 2014-2016
Assisted International students, research, programming, general office duties
YMCA After School Care
West Liberty Elementary School, West Liberty, Ohio 2014-2015
Provide care and activities for students after school
Substitute Educational Aide Educational Service Center Logan County 2014
Provided assistance to Pre-school teachers in the classroom.
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